Unlocking the Next Economy:
Churches and Community Enterprise


our conference on 9th October 2018

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Pilot Programme

With an estimated 75,000 places of worship in the UK, there is a historic opportunity for community-led development projects to manage church buildings for both community and spiritual use. With the right strategic support for local people to set up community-owned enterprises, church buildings could play a defining role in transforming local economies.

In July 2017, Stir To Action launched a year-long pilot — Unlocking the Next Economy: Churches and Community Enterprise — to support communities to use church buildings for local enterprise. In this first year we have worked with three pilot communities in the South West of England to create new community enterprises through a 16-week programme.


A 19th century United church in the market town of Bridport, Dorset.


A 40-year-old Baptist church and social centre in the heart of the city of Exeter, Devon.

North Molton

An Anglican church and hall built in the 1400s in the village of North Molton, Devon.

The Conference

Reimagining our Churches:
Conservation to Co-operation

a one-day conference about churches and community enterprise

On Tuesday 9th October 2018 we are hosting a one-day conference — Reimagining our Churches: Conservation to Co-operation — to bring together key people in the church, heritage sector, and those working in community economic development.

What will happen on the day?

  • Understand the scale of this historic opportunity.
  • Review our year-long pilot, Unlocking the Next Economy: Churches and Community Enterprise.
  • Explore how communities can reimagine the use and management of their church assets.
  • ‘Co-operative Option’: the role of co-operative and community benefit societies.
  • Convene partners from different sectors to understand needs, challenges, limitations, and opportunities for collaboration.
  • Identify the funding needs of a UK-wide, long-term development project, and explore a strategic funding mix of community shares, grants, and loans.

Where is it?

St Ethelburga's
78 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG

St Ethelburga's Centre for Peace and Reconciliation is a maker of peace-makers, inspiring and equipping people from all backgrounds to become peace-builders in their own communities and lives.

This unique venue is accessible with bus stops and is a short walk from Liverpool Street train station. Find out more about the centre here.

Why now?

Over the last ten years, communities have lost many local assets, such as pubs, banks, shops, and social spaces, with local authority cuts ensuring the loss of even more public buildings and services.

Alongside this situation, churches in the UK are experiencing a continuing institutional decline, with recent reports indicating that over 25% of churches have as little as 20 parishioners, some rural churches having ten or fewer. This combination of under-use, high maintenance costs, and lack of income generation, has led many church buildings to become burdens instead of assets.

We believe there is a historic opportunity to bring together the economic needs of our communities and the nation’s churches.


While there is a burgeoning movement to take community ownership of libraries, public civic halls, and even retail spaces, there is a very evident gap in this sector as regards the vast swathes of church properties which could make a massive positive difference in the community-led economic development process.

- Rachel Laurence, New Economics Foundation

Join the conference


This is an invitation-only event. If you feel you would like to part of a future programme, apply to join the conference here.


We’re looking for a range of event partners, register to receive our partners and sponsorship pack.


Spread the word in your networks - help us get the right people in the room.


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